Aug '20

VBS – August 25 – 28
Aug '20

2020 has been one crazy year. We’ve been locked down, masked up, and a little stir crazy. Many things that we enjoy have been delayed or canceled altogether. At Bible Baptist Church we do not want vacation Bible school to be one of those things. Certainly, there are challenges to hosting a VBS at this time, but obstacles are worth overcoming. Obviously, our 2020 VBS will be different than past events. Still, we are excited to offer this ministry, especially during these times.
Something Different
Since everything about 2020 has been unusual, we have decided to break from our normal VBS format. Beginning Tuesday, August 25 and running through Friday, August 28 Cool Kids Ministries will lead this year’s vacation Bible school with a presentation of their Kidz Storm “Spirit.” Each night there will be music, skits, puppets, magic tricks, illusions, scripture memorization, and lots of AWESOME Bible teaching from Bro. Steve Harney.
Date and Times
Our 2020 VBS will be four nights long. The dates are Tuesday, August 25 through Friday, August 28, from 6 pm – 8 pm each night. That time schedule will be strictly followed. We promise to get you out by 8 pm exactly!
Pandemic Precautions
We strive to provide as healthy and safe an environment as possible. Here are the safety measures that we have implemented and will follow each night.
- We ask that you complete the online registration forms. Click on this link to fill out the online forms. This will decrease the number of people inside the building each night.
- We ask that you walk your child to the door without coming inside, or let them enter without you. Since you have registered online, we will have your contact information if we need to contact you.
- We ask that your child wear a mask as they enter and exit the building. This will be the hardest times to social distance. If your child does not have a mask, we will provide them with one. Masks may be removed once they are seated.
- We will do temperature checks each night as they enter the building. Anyone with a temperature of 100.5 or greater will not be able to attend.
- We will have hand sanitizer available at the door and throughout the evening.
- We will have the seats spaced 6′ apart. Each child will need to keep their seat where it is placed. Bro. Steve has designed his program with safety measures in mind. While your children will be up and moving and playing games, they will be safely distanced.
- We will sanitize each seat before your children arrive and after they are dismissed.
- We require that children who are Kindergarten aged or below have a parent with them. We will have separate seating for family groups to sit.
- We will have prepackaged snacks.
- We will ensure that your children sanitize throughout the night especially before and after snack time and restroom breaks.
- Our workers will be wearing masks when interacting with others.
- We ask that parents wait outside for their children until called. They will meet you at the door.