Apr '20

Spring Clean Up Event
Apr '20

Stuff needs to be done. Spring cleaning will not abide by the quarantine standards, but we can follow social-distancing guidelines while accomplishing some necessary tasks. I appreciate Debbie Dull’s initiative in putting together a list of jobs that need to be done. Check the list, then call Lori Eaton to schedule a time when you can come and do the work while maintaining your distance.
- Spray fence ______________
- Clean up fence section (leaves vines off fence, sticks, etc.)
- Red to blue ______________
- Blue to green ____________
- Green to yellow ___________
- Yellow to black ___________
- Black to orange ___________
- Orange to white ___________
- Weed flower bed and remove leaves
- Front of church building ____________
- Side of church building _____________
- Prune bushes
- Front of church building ____________
- Side of church building _____________
- Check missions’ quarters ________________
- Leaf removal behind FLC – next to building and along fence ________________
- Leaf removal from AC cage behind church building ___________________
- Stick removal from hillside ______________________
- Sweep walking track in the FLC __________________
- Mop walking track in the FLC ____________________
- Wipe off with disinfectant railing around walking track in the FLC ____________
- Wipe off with disinfectant exercise equipment in the FLC ___________________
- Fix lock on ladies’ bathroom door on the west end of church building _________
- Repair door handle to ladies’ bathroom door; east end of building __________
- Replace floor drain cover in men’s bathroom on the west end ______________
- Paint speaker shelves in choir room _________________
- Remove beehives and clean outside of doors to the missions’ quarters _______
Repair shelter spouting