May '20

One Thing
May '20

Happy Mother’s Day!
Motherhood is one of the highest callings in the world, and one of the most challenging! At Bible Baptist Church we are thankful for godly mothers who have and who continue to model Christlikeness to their families and in their communities. How are Christian mothers meant to fulfill their role as they raise children, tackle to-do lists, nurture their marriages, and love the Lord, all within the setting of a culture that is terribly confused about gender, let alone motherhood? One thing is needful. One thing that will point mothers to the God who gives the grace and strength that is necessary.
But it’s not just mothers who are in need of this one thing. We all are. On Sunday morning, May 10 at 11am, our text will be Luke 10:38-42. That passage is a window into the lives of two women. Martha and Mary were sisters. This meant that they shared similar background, upbringing, and even genetics. More importantly, they both loved the Lord. He loved them. John 11 makes this clearly evident. For all they shared in common, our text reveals three significant differences between these two very similar women. Those differences, and what we should learn from them, will be our focus tomorrow. We hope you join us.
Our 11am service on Mother’s Day will be of the drive-in variety. It will also be live-streamed.