Kids Ministry
SHinE is the kid’s ministry at Bible Baptist Church serving kids preschool aged-5th grade. The name of our group was launched in August of 2016 with the idea of the kids showing Jesus in all that they do whether it be at home, at school, during sports, or wherever. SHinE stands for Showing Him in Everything and our ministry verse is Matthew 5:16 Let your light so SHINE before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
SHinE is a very hands on and energy filled ministry where the kids hear the truth from God’s word in a fun filled way while still learning the truths. SHinE meets on both Sundays and Wednesdays. On Sundays we provide a Sunday School class at 10:00 and then our SHinE service, which is a full fledged service on a kid’s level, at 11:00. During our 11:00 service we provide a preschool level class as well. At our 11:00 service we do praise and worship time, verse of the week, and game time before getting into our message of the day. On Wednesdays SHinE meets at 7:00. During our Wednesday time we provide a meal for all the kids and then break up into small groups and wrap up with a game time for all the kids.
SHinE also has a monthly event for the kids. During each summer we also attend Kid’s Camp in Monticello, Kentucky and have Vacation Bible School.