Oct '20
Cosmic Conflict
Oct '20
This evening we return to the book of Daniel, and we will fins ourselves in chapter 10. This is one of the most fascinating chapters, not just in Daniel, but in all of scripture. Daniel 10 pulls back a curtain. We are given a glimpse of cosmic conflict. The scene is truly amazing. It also calls to mind Ephesians 6:12. There we read that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
There is a pit to avoid here, however, and that is to miss the point of this passage. We may easily be caught up with talk of Michael the archangel, the (demonic) princes of Persia and Greece, and become so focused on these truly amazing scenes that we miss the majesty of Christ and the power of His Word. Let’s learn all that scripture has to say in this chapter, but let’s guard ourselves against running down dead-end paths.
The point of this passage is not angelic being or warfare. We will not study this chapter to tickle spiritual fantasies or raise unanswerable questions. Our focus will be the timeless truth that Daniel has recorded under the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. Once we learn and live that truth, God will be glorified and we will be strengthened to accomplish His work. See you tonight at 7pm.
SHinE Kids and G.O.E. Teens will also meet at 7pm in the Family Life Center.