Kansas was Wrong


Ultimate Issues

Chapter Two Outlined
Daniel two is a long chapter, with forty-nine verses. A good outline for them goes like this:
- The King becomes troubled.
- Daniel gets involved.
- The dream is deduced.
- The King gets religion.
- The wise men are delivered.
- Daniel and the boys get promoted.
Ultimate Issues

Keeping the Faith

BBC and the Pandemic
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Dear Bible Baptist Church:
None of us have lived through a time like this. While such times are not unprecedented in human history, this is unprecedented in our history. Thankfully, our God is sovereign at all times and sufficient for our every need. Truly, our times are in His hands, and our trust is in Him.
As we mentioned just last week ago, information about COVID-19 is fluid, and our response to this virus must be as well. The White House recently released (Monday, March 16) the “Coronavirus Guidelines for America,” and one of those guidelines is to avoid gatherings of more than ten people for fifteen days. Given the circumstances this is a reasonable request, and one our church will follow. This means that beginning now and for the next two weeks, at least, we will suspend all church gatherings. Our Sunday 11am services will be livestreamed, and we will be sure to inform you how to view that live feed.
New information keeps coming. If the current restrictions are lengthened, we may need to get creative in how we meet, such as “drive-in” services up on the hill. We don’t know what is around the corner, but here is what we do know. We will wholeheartedly press on together.
Even though we won’t be meeting face to face for a while, we are still able to connect with one another in smaller groups, over the phone, with text messages, or even social media. Let’s be ready to help those in our church who are at high risk due to their age and/or their health. We may need to get groceries, pick up prescriptions, or just check on them.
This virus is an ugly thing, but our Lord and His truth are beautiful. These are difficult and uncommon days. I’ve heard it said that “Affliction prepares ordinary Christians for extraordinary service.” This is true. We have never had such an opportunity to proclaim the gospel, to love each other and our community like we now have. Let’s pursue this opportunity with all our might.
Grace and Peace!
Pastor Travis Gilbert
Concerning the Corona Virus
As everyone is well aware, information about the Corona virus is fluid and abundant. Just how much of it is useful is hard to discern. We do know that this matter is serious and should be treated as such. With so many cancellations and closures, and with Governor Beshear’s suggestion that churches cancel their worship services, I thought it best to let you know what the plan is for Bible Baptist Church.
First and foremost, as in every situation, our confidence is in our Lord who is sovereign in and over all things. Our trust is in Him. Our prayers are to Him. Every decision we make in issues large or small should be made for His glory, which is always for our ultimate good. We should not panic. We must be prudent and prepared. Faith and common sense are not enemies but friends who happily walk together.
Bible Baptist Church averages less than 200 for Sunday morning attendance. This places us in a different category from schools, arenas packed with fans, or churches that average several hundred or more. With that in mind, and as the situation now stands, here is our plan. For the next two weeks (March 15 and 22) we will meet at our usual times with the following exceptions. We will not have our usual time of greeting during the song service where we go around shaking hands and giving hugs. For the next two weeks, during the “shake and bake” time we will just “stand and wave.” Also, for the next two weeks we will not pass the offering plates, but our ushers will be positioned at the exits with them. You may also give online through our church website. As is always the case, if you feel sick you should not go anywhere but to the doctor’s office. If you believe that, due to your health conditions, being out is too risky, by all means stay inside. Caution is not the lack of courage.
Many in our community and country are very anxious right now. A time such as this provides us with a unique opportunity to love each other well and to proclaim the gospel, calling on others to turn in repentant faith to Jesus. Let’s be sure to demonstrate the hope and joy we have in our Lord and Savior by our patience with one another and our confidence in Christ.