Cosmic Conflict


The Backbone of Biblical Prophecy

Daniel’s 70 Weeks

One Praying Prophet


One Praying Prophet

Prophecy is no Substitute for Prayer
Intercessory prayer seeks to know God’s plan, desiring its fulfillment no matter the personal cost, and is for the sake of others, strengthened by confession of sin, dependent on God’s character and all for God’s glory!
Together Again!

One Sick Prophet

Daniel 7-12 is mostly prophecy, and nearly all of it was future prophecy when Daniel first received his visions. While much of what he saw has been fulfilled, some is still on front of us. God gave Daniel a glimpse of where history is headed. All things are headed to an appointed end, and everything is on schedule. The history that unfolded before Daniel’s eyes while in the spirit, on the banks of the Ulai River in the city of Shushan, made him physically ill. By the end of chapter eight, Daniel is one sick prophet.
One Sick Prophet
Why would God give Daniel a vision so terrible that it made him physically sick? I think there are at least three reasons:
- Prepare them for persecution. Things will get worse before they get better.
- Warning not to panic. Don’t be confused by historical trends. History is happening according to God’s design.
- The Kingdom is coming! The Ancient of Days will deliver the Kingdom to the real Messiah, and all false messiahs will be finally and utterly put down and out forever.
Tonight we finish our study of Daniel 8. There is much to learn from the vision that made Daniel sick. Be tuned in tonight at 7pm on Facebook Live to follow along. Remember, a Facebook account is not required to view a live-streamed video on the church’s Facebook page. Click this link to be directed there.

Horned and Horns


When does the Kingdom come?

Watch. Pray. Proclaim.

The King is Coming!

- …out from the world.
- …up for God.
- …still for the solution He will provide.
A Prophetic Voice
- The King is Crowned
- The Kingdom’s Character
- When is the Kingdom?
Join Us!

History is Happening

Tonight at 7pm!

Thrown to the Lions

Age is No Protection
Pride ALWAYS Costs
Rough Justice
Pity Sir Robert Watson-Watt, strange target of this radar plot,
And thus, with others I can mention, the victim of his own invention.His magical all-seeing eye enabled cloud-bound planes to fly,but now by some ironic twist, it spots the speeding motorist and bites,no doubt with legal wit, the hand that once created it!