Oct '20

The Last Supper
Oct '20

Enjoy tonight’s extra hour of sleep. We should all be fresh and well rested tomorrow for church! Our text will be Mark 14:12-21. We will go from supper at Simon the Leper’s house to the Last Supper in the upper room. We are just hours away from Judas’ betrayal and Jesus’ crucifixion. As always, the Master is in control of the situation. All of it. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Sunday school is at 10am and the worship begins at 11am.
Also, don’t forget that tonight from 6-8pm on the church parking lot is our Trunk or Treat event.
Oct '20

Trunk or Treat
Oct '20

You are invited and encouraged to join us this Saturday, October 31 from 6 pm – 8 pm for Trunk or Treat. This event will be held on our parking lot at 100 Higher Ground Lane, Mount Vernon, KY 40456. Just drive through the line. Meet some Bible characters. Grab a lot of goodies. Don’t miss out.