Back to Sunday School!

We hope that today is a 🇺🇸  Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸 Our nation has been truly blessed, and ALL those who are citizens of and residents in this land are privileged.
This by no means suggests that the USA is now, ever has, or could possibly be perfect. The high ideals which undergird our nation and are codified in our founding documents have never been perfectly fulfilled.
Despite our many shortcomings, we have been a nation that provides freedom and opportunity for all like no other. Compare this nation with other nations instead of utopian notions. Actively and consistently treat all people with dignity and respect. I cannot undue my past, let alone my nation’s. I can act now and lay a precedent for the future that is one of honor and respect for others, including the rule of law.
As believers in America, let’s be thankful for our freedoms, and, most importantly, take advantage of our liberty for the cause of the gospel locally, nationally, and globally. Only the gospel is able to truly make men and women free. Let’s hold true to that faith, and be courageously committed to that cause.

Sunday school, Children’s Church, and SHinE are back!

Don’t forget as you celebrate the USA’s birthday that tomorrow is the Lord’s Day. He is the One from whom all blessings flow, and He is worthy of our worship. Don’t miss out, using the holiday as an excuse!
Tomorrow, July 5, also marks the return of our Sunday school classes, Children’s Church (pre-school ages), and SHinE (K-5th) ministries. The teens and kids will have their classes at 10am in the Family Life Center, and that is where Children’s Church and SHinE will meet at 11am.
Since tomorrow is the first Sunday back to Sunday school since the middle of March, as well as the Sunday following Independence Day, Pastor Travis will teach all the adults combined in the Fellowship Hall. That class will begin at 10am. We hope to see you there!