Posted on Oct 23, 2022 by Steven Renner in Funerals |

Our sweet Sis. Judy Adams was called home to glory on Tuesday, October 18. She was dearly loved and will be sorely missed. Due to her serious health struggles, Sis. Judy was unable to attend our services in person for the last three years. While she was faithful to watch the livestreams, she missed being with her church family. Therefore, accommodate and encourage the family, Sis. Judy’s funeral services will be held at the church house on Sunday, October 23. There will be no regular services at Bible Baptist on Sunday, October 23.
The funeral service times are: 11 am–2 pm funeral visitation, and service beginning at 2 pm. Burial will be at Cresthaven cemetery following the service, with a meal to follow at the church’s Family Life Center.
Posted on Jan 29, 2021 by Steven Renner in God's Promises, Sunday School |

From November through January we have enjoyed an altered Sunday school format. Our adult ladies and men were split into separate classes, with the ladies studying the “one another’s” of scripture and the men focused on character studies.
Beginning next Sunday, February 7 and continuing for five Sundays, through Sunday March 7, we will return to our regular class format. We will walk through Five Promises of God When Life is Hard. This study has been adapted from the book Always True by James MacDonald. This series will be available as a printed booklet, or you may follow this link to download the PDF. The printed copies will be in your classrooms. One meets in the Fellowship Hall, and the other meets in the FLC café.
Starting Sunday, March 14 we will shift to the split classes again for an as of yet unspecified amount of time.
Posted on Jan 20, 2021 by Steven Renner in Appetite, Better Together, Ministry |

Tonight will be the FIRST DINER of 2021. Please join us for homemade chicken noodle soup, Hawaiian roll ham sandwiches, desserts, and drinks. The Diner will be open from 5:30-6:30pm in the FLC Cafe to dine-in or take-out. Only $5 per person. You’re going to eat out anyway, so why not spend the money on missions. All the proceeds will be used towards our OCC effort. Yes. We’re getting a head start! Good food and fellowship are guaranteed. See y’all there.
Posted on Jan 16, 2021 by Steven Renner in Funerals |

“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15
Faithful is the one word that quickly comes to mind when thinking of Bro. Curtis Miller. He was a man who walked with the Lord, and that was evident to all who knew him. His fidelity to Christ was seen in his care for his wife and family, the manner in which he daily lived, and his commitment to serve Christ through the Bible Baptist Church. Bro. Curtis’ was a long life well-lived for the glory of God. He will be sorely missed, but we rejoice that he is now in the presence of the Lord and Savior he faithfully served, and reunited with his sweet wife Darla, who he dearly loved.
Funeral services for Bro. Curtis Miller will be Monday, January 18 at 2:00 PM, here in the sanctuary of the Bible Baptist Church. Burial will follow in Cresthaven Memorial Cemetery. Friends may call at the church after 12:30 PM Monday. We respectfully ask that you please honor social distancing and wear a facial covering while visiting the church. Follow
this link to read his complete obituary.
Posted on Dec 26, 2020 by Steven Renner in Church, Giving, Ministry | Tags: GIving, Ministry

The following is from Bro. Stayton’s family.
If you would prefer to make a contribution in memory of Dad toward something that was dear to his heart, we have set up this PayPal donation page to raise funds for a new church bus for Bible Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, where he pastored for 35 years. Bus ministry has long been a part of Don and Donna’s story. Before her mom rededicated her life to Jesus, our mom would go to church by herself as a child as part of a local church’s bus ministry. It resulted in her own decision to follow Christ and is one of the many reasons our parents always served and promoted bus ministries throughout their lives. Since his retirement, Bible Baptist has continued the bus ministry that began with Dad 35 years ago to help bring children without transportation to Bible’s thriving children’s ministry. Please know that no gifts are needed or expected in any way, but if you decide to give we would be honored if you would give to this cause that was so dear to Dad’s heart.
Posted on Dec 22, 2020 by Steven Renner in Death, Funerals, Special Services |
Bro. Don Stayton was called home to glory late Sunday night, December 20. For him, faith has become sight. For us, we grieve, but not like those who have no hope. Like Bro. Don, our hope is in the Lord who is only good, always wise, and completely sovereign. “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39.
Please keep Ms. Donna and all the family in your prayers. The funeral arrangements are as follows:
- Visitation on Saturday, December 26 from 5-8pm.
- Funeral service on Sunday, December 27 at 11am.
- Internment at Cresthaven Cemetery
All the above will be held in the Bible Baptist Church sanctuary. All who attend are asked to wear a mask, unless they have an actual medical exemption. Following the internment there will be a meal in the Family Life Center for the family only, and will be served by the family.
We want to magnify the Lord that Bro. Don faithfully served, while honoring his life and comforting his family. We also want to safeguard the family, out of town guests, and our own community from any increased exposure to COVID-19. That is why we ask for the masks to be worn, and why the meal is restricted to the family, served by the family. Your understanding is appreciated, especially by the Stayton family.
Posted on Nov 21, 2020 by Steven Renner in Corona Virus, Faithfulness, Fear |

Colossians 3:15-17 says, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”
That passage plays a prominent role in
this week’s bulletin, and also in last Wednesday’s sermon. Why the repetition? Due to the fact that we need to be called to trust the Timeless Truths of Holy Spirit-rooted peacefulness and thankfulness during these troubling times.
The hardest aspects of 2020 have not been the SARS-CoV2 virus or the contentious and now contested election. Our response to those things is the issue. The virus and the election are important, but most importantly they are opportunities for us to demonstrate that we really believe what we believe is true. Letting the peace of God rule in our hearts and being thankful in everything does not mean our heads are buried in the sand or that we are uninvolved. It does mean we are ruled by faith rather than fear and we live that faith in an inviting rather than uninviting manner.
Knowing truth is not as difficult as living truth. Praise God we have the “Spirit of truth…who will guide [us] into all truth” (John 16:13). Follow Him. Not the news. Not your fear. Follow Christ Jesus.
Posted on Nov 20, 2020 by Steven Renner in Church Services, Mark's Gospel |

On the evening of November 22, at six o’clock, we will observe the Lord’s Supper. We will take precautions to guard the health of all who participate. In the last three years we have taken communion on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and the Thursday before Easter. This year, due to the lockdown, we were unable to come together to the Table at Easter. This means we have not observed this solemn ordinance in a year. We should not wait longer to memorialize our Lord’s sacrifice, as He commanded us to do.
Posted on Oct 31, 2020 by Steven Renner in Church Services, Community Fun, Mark's Gospel |

Enjoy tonight’s extra hour of sleep. We should all be fresh and well rested tomorrow for church! Our text will be Mark 14:12-21. We will go from supper at Simon the Leper’s house to the Last Supper in the upper room. We are just hours away from Judas’ betrayal and Jesus’ crucifixion. As always, the Master is in control of the situation. All of it. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Sunday school is at 10am and the worship begins at 11am.
Also, don’t forget that tonight from 6-8pm on the church parking lot is our Trunk or Treat event.
Posted on Oct 27, 2020 by Steven Renner in Community Fun |

You are invited and encouraged to join us this Saturday, October 31 from 6 pm – 8 pm for Trunk or Treat. This event will be held on our parking lot at 100 Higher Ground Lane, Mount Vernon, KY 40456. Just drive through the line. Meet some Bible characters. Grab a lot of goodies. Don’t miss out.