---Why Our Church
We have a strong sense of community with our members. There isn’t a friendlier group of people anywhere!
The goal is for everyone to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who will be exalted through our praise and preaching, and you will be encouraged and equipped to daily follow after Him.

--- Service Time

10:00 AM – Sunday School
11:00 AM – Morning Worship
11:00 AM – SHinE Kids 
6:00 PM – Evening Worship
7:00 PM – SHinE Kids 
7:00 PM – 2:52 Teens
7:00 PM – Adult Bible Study & Prayer

--- What to expect

Our church family is marked both by diversity in age and background, and by unity in faith and purpose. Our desire is to glorify God with all our might through worship and ministry that is Bible saturated and Cross centered. Whether you are searching for a church home or just beginning to consider the claims of Jesus Christ, we think that you will find Bible Baptist Church a help and encouragement to you.
---How to become a member
One’s faith in Christ is personal, but the living out of that faith is not individualistic. We read in the book of Acts that “the Lord added to the church daily” (Acts 2:47). Meaningful membership in a local church body is the New Testament pattern.
Those who are members of Bible Baptist Church are committed to participating in the ministry—local, national, and international—of this local body of believers.
Those who desire to identify in membership with us must:
  • Profess personal faith in Jesus Christ
  • Have scriptural baptism
  • Declare to the church their desire to join
Please contact us if you would like to set up an appointment to meet with one of our pastors regarding church membership.