Sep '20
One Praying Prophet
Sep '20
There is no doubt. We live in peculiar times. Between concerns for physical health, political agitation, and social deterioration, many are tempted to run and hide or stand swing a club. Neither option is optimal. Ask any pilot, like Bob Randolph for example, and he will tell you that when visibility is bad, you must fly by the instruments.
We must be confident in God’s Word and continue in the same. Armed with a biblical perceptive we will remember God’s past blessings which should stabilize us in present troubles and encourage us for future deliverance. In our Wednesday night study of Daniel we are learning from the prophet’s pattern of prayer. Join us tonight at 7pm for this study, and for a time of praying together.
Also at 7pm, our SHinE Kids (grades K-5) and G.O.E. Teens (6-12 grades) will meet in the Family Life Center.